Journee Bot


Journee Privacy Policy


We prioritize your privacy. Here's a detailed look at our data practices.

Data Collection

During your interaction with Journee, we might collect: Telegram ID, Name, Telegram handle (if provided), Timezone, and Journal entries.

Purpose of Your Data

We utilize your data for delivering Stoic-inspired daily prompts, enabling mood check-ins, generating Zen Mode AI insights (when activated), ensuring effective chatbot communication, and driving our leaderboard and web app functionalities.

Data Sharing & Third Parties

By default, Zen Mode is inactive. Only if you activate Zen Mode will individual journal entries be processed by OpenAI's ChatGPT for real-time insights. No entries are shared with OpenAI's ChatGPT when Zen Mode is off. Additionally, our web interfaces employ cookies and Google Analytics to enhance the user experience.

Data Retention & Deletion

We retain your data as long as you're engaged with Journee. To erase your records, initiate the /forget command within the chatbot. Instructions will guide you thereafter.

Data Export

You can export your journal entries at any point using the "Export" functionality.

External Collaborations

Our trusted partners include Google Analytics (providing user insights), DigitalOcean (hosting data securely), and OpenAI (processing individual journal entries in real-time for Zen Mode insights when activated).

Security Assurance

We're committed to the secure handling of your data, employing robust measures to ensure its safety.

Reach Out

For inquiries or concerns, please contact us at

Last Updated: August 23, 2023